Week of 10/29/24: Elevator Foundation and Pit Week of 10/29/24: Front entrance from inside looking out Week of 10/29/24: Front entrance looking in towards building Week of 10/29/24: Site grading and prep for paving Week of 10/29/24: Slab prevention and grading Week of 10/29/24: Under slab utilities and grading Week of 10/29/24: Underground electrical stubbed up to electrical room Week of 10/29/24: Underslab utilities stubbed for future connections Week of 10/15/24: Foundation walls backfilled and starting underslab work Week of 10/15/24: Site grading underway at back of site Week of 10/15/24: Site grading underway at front of site Week of 10/15/24: Material being moved to prepare for underslab work Week of 10/8/24: Underground plumbing connections into the site Week of 10/8/24: Damp proof coating being applied Week of 10/8/24: Hydroseeding of retention pond area Week of 10/8/24: Rebar install for foundation walls